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A New View On Multiple Sclerosis

Do you know someone with Multiple Sclerosis? 

I do and although I see some of their symptoms, I had no comprehension of the degree of debilitation or daily suffering they can endure. Please watch this video and join me praying for a cure and also pray for each person you know who has MS.


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Dr. Oz's Top 10 Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

Fight Breast Cancer with CafePress Merchandise

None of us is exempt from being touched by the dreaded phrase 'Breast Cancer', whether it is in our life, the life of someone we love or know of.
Some think it is the luck of the draw and unpreventable. Do you think this?
Some believe it is contingent upon the state of our health - what we eat, how fit we are etc.
Is it caused by environmental factors?

Read Dr. Oz's 10 Top Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

Helpful Links
Breast Cancer Support Group
Breast Cancer Survival 101
Breast Cancer Survival Handbook
Living With Cancer Blog
Cancer Survival Kits
Risk Factors and Stages of Cancer
Cancer Recovery Foundation of America
Cancer-Fighting Foods (Video)
Fight Now: Eat & Live Proactively Against Breast Cancer                        
Studies Show Exercise Helps Cancer Survivors Live Longer, Better                              

Treating Cancer With Herbs
Treating Cancer With Herbs
- $ 27.95
In this book, Dr. Tierra provides a complete, systematic approach to treating cancer from a holistic perspective, while detailing the entire range of herbs and herbal medicines available to the practitioner and the patient alike.

Foundation for Cancer Research and Wellness is committed to providing and advancing research, education, advocacy and support of and for least-toxic and minimally-invasive cancer prevention and treatment practices.

According to Executive Director Michael Gingerich, husband of a breast cancer survivor:

  • Through its New ERA Cancer Research Fund, FCRW intends to lead the quest to provide research funding into least-toxic and minimally-invasive cancer prevention and treatment options. FCRW has a specific emphasis in understanding the links between nutrition, the environment and cancer. Research to demonstrate these links and the required cultural and lifestyle changes ranks as a top priority.

  • Another primary goal of FCRW is to teach “integrative cancer care” - to provide accurate, up-to-date information on mobilizing the “whole person” in cancer prevention and recovery.   FCRW’s goal is nothing less than to transform cancer prevention and care.

  • FCRW seeks to establish a new paradigm in healthcare - to move the U.S. healthcare system from a “sick-care” system to a “well-care” system. This is a massive cultural shift and requires training broad segments of society to see themselves as the primary source of health and healing.
  • FCRW provides direct help now.  Through its ground-breaking international "Tele-Support Network" and counseling, persons living with cancer receive personal consultation and support on the many aspects of integrative cancer care.


Priority Health: BMI or body fat percentage (Bay News 9)

The question of the day on Bay News 9 is "Which is the better method in determining heath: BMI  or body fat percentage?

What is BMI?
What is Body Fat Percentage?

Your comments?

Denmark's New Fat Tax

Do think Denmark's new FAT TAX will lower the purchase and consumption of saturated fat food and create less obesity and health problems for that country?

Would you like to live in a country with such a FAT TAX?

We welcome your comments below