
Tuesdays 'Green' Smoothie

With one look of this 'green' smoothie, you are probably saying to yourself, "Ummm....is Health Adventure Coach color-blind today?" Smile.

That's okay, I would as well.

This is a 'Green' smoothie because it contains fresh green leafy veggies and homegrown wheatgrass (in phot0) and parsley. PS - my dog eats wheatgrass too!

Other ingredients: 
  • 16 oz cold reverse osmosis water
  • 2 small avocados
  • 2 small lemons with peel on
  • 1 large apple
  • 1 cup mixed frozen berries: raspberry, blueberry, blackberry
  • 3/4  Stevita tsp for sweetening
The smoothie is very thick; we like it that way. To thin, add more water.

Place all ingredients in  Ninja Kitchen System 1100 and 'Blend' on power 2 for 10 seconds until all veggies are broken up. Then blend for up to 10 seconds on power 3 'Ice Crush' to liquify.

I enjoy making drinks and smoothies and sipping them throughout my day, especially when I am working at home or extra busy at home and don't want to take the time to make a salad. In a very few seconds with my Amazing Ninja, I can have 32-64 oz of a 'liquid salad', with all my servings of fruits and veggies for the day all combined together for quick and easy consumption.

For green smoothie detoxification, I highly recommend:

For more green smoothie ideas, I highly recommend:

Vibrant Living with Delcious Green Smoothies

For raw green food ideas, I highly recommend:

Best Selling Books and DVDs from the Raw Family

Raw Family Signature Dishes


FREE Teleclass today :How to conquer the "E" word once for all

This information is directly from Dance Fitness Plus

Discover the gap between you and exercise (and exactly how to bridge that gap so that you conquer the “e” word once and for all). This is exactly what you will discover on this call.

It’s time for “your body, your way”.

We’ll discover, together:

--How to befriend your body and achieve freedom from the "e" word.
--How to naturally incorporate exercise into your pre-existing lifestyle.

My classes are based on sharing, interaction AND information that you can use IMMEDIATELY after the call is over.

--How to jump start your metabolism (in the morning, evening or anytime in between)

You’ll come away with information you can use immediately in your life. 

Click this link to join this FREE teleclass today, Tuesday, April 17 @ 1 PM EST.


Spring Rejuvenation and Detoxification

It's just that time of year when my mind and body want a cleansing. It's something I just sense and it's then that both my mind and body are willing to make the food sacrifices that bring comfort, in lieu of some restrictions and more frequent trips to the restroom :).

It's only for a short period of time and from the moment I drink my first concoction, my mind is peaceful and thankful and I know shortly, my body will be as well.

With a family wedding just 7 weeks away, it is time anyway to lose the bloat and some pudge. Toned muscles can be a by-product - but more than these outward results and appearances, my main desire is healthy cells and organs inwardly with more energy and vitality.

I am blessed, in that I enjoy all the foods and drinks that I incorporate into my detox/cleansing regime. They are no different from what I consume regularly; except in a different formulation.  I don't have any strict recipes, I just have knowledge of the herbs and foods that do the job I'm desiring, so I get creative and use some in one drink and then others in a salad etc. I like joy in the journey and my emotions and mind appreciate that freedom.

Today's lunchtime drink: Raw beet, celery, lemons with peeling, cucumber, fresh basil

I will generally share with you some of the things I do:
  • As often as possible, use organic veggies and fruit, especially if you use the peelings.
  • Use the whole food. I don't 'juice' = extracting only the juice and discarding the pulp.

Can't detox/cleanse without lemons

  • Use fresh picked herbs
  • Use organic teas
These are a couple of my preferred teas; there are MANY. Try samples and choose ones you prefer.

  • Use reverse osmosis water
My kitchen tool that I adore and don't want to live without:

Vitacost: Where I purchase 95% of my Nutritional Supplement, Health Foods, Personal Care products etc, because they are less costly than any online retailer I've found and especially less costly than the local health food store! So, by clicking the banner below, not only do you save on the cost of all your products, receive free shipping with orders over $49,but you also get $10 off your first order and so will your friends when you refer them!! Is that a WIN-WIN or what?! :)

The Liver Support Nutrition Supplement I'm using

  • Quality Psyllium Husk for Fiber

  • Keep active, whether outdoors..............


Inline Skating

Walking the dog

..........or indoors.........

  • Develop an appreciation of all things and be thankful

Sunset in January @ Circle B Bar Reserve, Lakeland FL

Lily pads near Lake Wales, FL

 March sunrise from my yard

Seen on April 9/12

Seen on April 9/12

Birdlife in February in our back pond

  • S.......L......O........W         D.......O........W.......N

Beach Walking, Hutchinson Island, FL

[all photos & videos by Lori Clinch Adams, yours truly :)]


Do you enjoy learning about Walking?

I publish walking articles on Examiner.com and would love to you have you, my followers and visitors, read my articles and subscribe! It's those subscriptions that bring me the kudos that my Examiner.com Managers are looking for.

My Walking Articles can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/4tjqoux

I would enjoy your suggestions and comments on topics or on any of the articles I've written.
I appreciate you all very much!
Email: lori.pcwalkingwriter@gmail.com


New Walking Club in Winter Haven, FL

Winter Haven, FL is called the 'Chain of Lakes City', as 24 of it its lakes are navigable by channels.

It's not only a fabulous place for water recreationalists but also for walking enthusiasts as it boasts 56 parks.

For Residents, Visitors and Snowbirds who would like to know where all the great walking parks are, there is a new Walking Wellness Club sponsored by the American Heart Association that you can join and participate with.

Learn more about the Winter Haven Wellness Walking Club 

American Heart Association National Walking Day, April 4

Since today is National Walking Day, we are all encouraged to get our sneakers on and walk to work.

If you don't have 'work' to go to, just lace up those walking shoes and choose one of your town or city's beautiful parks or trails and walk to your (pardon the pun) 'heart's' content! :).

Don't have anyone to walk with?

No problem.
1.   Go to the American Heart Association's MeetUp page for Walking Clubs
2.   Enter your city in the 'Go' Search Box and click to search
3. Any Walking Club in your vicinity will appear
4. Join MeetUP as a member to receive updates on your local club and to RSVP for walks

No walking club in your city? Then create one!

The American Heart Association Walking Club has resources to help you to coordinate heart healthy walks in your vicinity. Volunteer!

Do you live in Central Florida? Here are local Walking Clubs for you:

Winter Haven


Strawberry Basil Poppy Seed Balsamic Vinaigrette

"Strawberries are the angels of the earth, innocent and sweet with green leafy wings reaching heavenward"

~Jasmine Heiler~

Springtime in Central Florida brings the infamous Plant City Strawberries to every Farmer's Market and it's exciting to think about new recipes to create and new healthy dishes to enjoy!

On this first day of April, I desired a light vinaigrette for my salad so on the way home from Church, we found a new produce stand on Hwy 98N in Highland City, FL and decided to check it out.

2 quarts piled-highs of strawberries for $4.00 was not to be resisted so they became the fruit base for my new vinaigrette recipe. 

Strawberry Basil Poppy Seed Balsamic Vinaigrette

I started with my base salad: 
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Fresh thinly sliced pear
  • Cucumber
  • Thinly sliced onion
  • Thinly sliced red pepper

Vinaigrette Ingredients:
  • 3/4 C Frangrante Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 dozen large Strawberries, washed and hulls removed
  • 5 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar
  • 3 TBSP Raw Organic Blue and White Agave Syrup
  • 12 large freshly-picked Basil Leaves
  • 1/4 medium-sized Onion
  • 1.5 TBSP Poppy Seeds
  • 1/4 TSP Spike
  • 1/8 TSP Black Pepper

1. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor to blend slowly.
2. Check to see that all onion has been finely chopped and blended well into the liquid mixture. If not blended totally, set on a higher speed for 5 - 10 seconds. 

Makes approximately 10-12 oz.

Pour vinaigrette over your salad. 

* Optional: add walnuts or sliced almonds to top of salad for additional Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids and Protein

If like me, you are more of a Vinaigrette-lover than a creamy dressing lover and you don't have the time to be inventive and creative, then you might enjoy this kindle version of Wonderful Vinaigrette. And GREAT news: If you don't have a kindle, as I don't, you can download Kindle for PC and read Kindle books on you r home PC or laptop! Now isn't that wonderful!? I think so!

More Vinaigrette Recipes & Products that you may enjoy:

And PLEASE, email me or comment on this blog how you liked the recipe, how you used it, how you may have altered it (no worries, I do this frequently!, that's the fun of it all!) etc. Love hearing from you!