
Summer's Here! It's time to get outdoors and recreate!

I want to whet your appetite to have an active and healthy summer ~ the first step is to get outdoors, breathe deeply and start moving your limbs, whether by walking, cycling, hiking, playing with the Grandkids, gardening etc. Just begin.

While it always feels like summer here in Central Florida, it's always a special treat to me when I get to go to Circle B Bar Reserve in Lakeland, just 7 miles from our home. It's where we see the most spectacular sunsets and wildlife.

I hope my photos of our cycling/recreating last evening, (blog post below) the 1st day of summer will be an incentive for you do begin exploring all that there is to see and enjoy in your own geographical locations.

Blog Post: 1st Day of Summer at Circle B Bar Reserve


Find Sustainable Food

How many times have you asked yourself, "What's in my food?" and "Do I really want to eat this?"

If so, the 'Eatwell Guide' might be of interest to you to locate local, organic and sustainable fresh food.

Eatwell Guide [click link to be taken to this guide]