
The Thyroid Sessions: A FREE Online Thyroid Health Event, beginning May 4, 2014

"Our thyroid hormones affect every cell and all the organs in the body" ~

...for example, they affect our metabolism, how our body can turn food into energy, our cholesterol, heart, bones and muscles.

Me, I am at that age and stage in life where desire to assist my body to heal properly NATURALLY, through appropriate dietary choices, supplements, lifestyle changes and with the expertise of Health Experts in the field of Naturopathy, Nutrition and the like. I've gone to my regular MD and am following her suggestions for supplements, food and exercise, however I want the information and direction from the Natural Health Field. I don't want to be missing anything or for that matter, misinformed by something I might read. I want to see my thyroid imbalance reversed and my symptoms to disappear and be restored to proper balance.

Thankfully, I found a very soon upcoming FREE Online Thyroid Health Event, beginning in just 2 days, on May 4/14. Yes, honest, it's FREE.

There are interviews with a dozen leading health experts including Functional Medicine Doctors, Nutritionists and real food Chefs. PLUS, each speaker will be giving away a FREE special bonus when their interview is aired.

To save your seat for this event, just enter your email HERE and be sure to share it with those you care for and friends you know who also have been diagnosed with thyroid issues or simply for prevention.

Think about it: doesn't the thought of having renewed energy, saying bye bye to brain fog and lack of memory, hot flashes and what we all probably want so badly and have struggled to do so:  to lose unwanted pounds.....okay, so we're on the same page. So REGISTER NOW!


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